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SmashStalker101 • 2 years ago

Poor daddy: It's another one, where daddy will try to take vengeance cuz of the loss of his son

Sniperwolf24 • 2 years ago

Then again loses another son

FlowingWithTheFlow • 1 year ago

Jap: son killed by truck-kun
Chin: son killed by sword-kun, daddy calls backup

LowJack187 • 8 months ago

Truck-kun: Back up you say...

Luke W • 2 years ago

Geez, if you are prepared to kill, you should also be prepared to die. That's a common saying I see in revenge stories, but Mr. mayor seems to think that he is above the cycle of karma. This return just happened a bit too soon for his liking.
Heh, that guy though...
"Sucks about your son, just... dont forget the mine you promised."

ShoutinginaEmptyvalley • 1 year ago

Chill dude you don't have to justify it to enjoy it The guy was complaining while his sons sword Was inside the guy he was complaining to

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Shii is hilarious.

zanetano • 2 years ago

Yet again: Son. Kill him! It's within the rules! No one will blame you. ... ... No! He killed my son! How could he? I need vengance! Seriously. Rich dads in these stories :P

Sniperwolf24 • 2 years ago

And also MC's wife gets kidnapped in these chinese stories lol.. i can't deal with that damage they giving me with their stories lol

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

I can't stand that shii, his son thrust a whole big ol sword through the MC's chest and the father of the deceased son is angry lol smh.

Cipher • 1 year ago

This is slightly different from the manhua... In manhua tan Yun asked for the highest level of ice-fire in order to break through but here it wasn't shown at all.

Its only fair if the rich spoiled kid kills MC no one would bat an eye, or a shed a tear. However MC kills Spoiled brat kid now we have seriously problem here.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

I hate that smh.

Jalaluddin Aris • 1 year ago

Life and death is like a cycle. This is what happened when you’re too arrogant.

Ani-man • 1 year ago


MIKE_LV • 2 years ago

What's with the trailer in the end credits? The music starts with Spirit Sword Sovereign and then goes into something else.

Pakray M • 2 days ago

lol don't forget my mine!

Youknow it • 2 years ago

Hes got so many enemies in his new job place

Grommash Hellscream • 2 years ago

In the end he says "Tong Er".
Either the translation was erroneous, and the cousin's name is "tong xiu", or the translation wasn't erroneous, per se, but that the characters "tong", and "xiu" in this specific context are one and the same (character).

That happens sometimes in chinese.

However, since I don't read or write chinese, I don't know the characters for these words, so alas, I can only elaborate on the two possibilities that spring to mind, upon encountering such a discrepancy.

TumorsAreGood • 2 years ago

Adding "er" to the end of someone's name shows affection towards that person.
Mostly fathers and mothers saying it to their children. Can also be used between siblings but I don't think I've ever heard it between lovers.